Tereza absolvovala kombinované školení trenérů v ukrajinském Kyjevě pro bývalé nebo současné vrcholové hráče badmintonu.
Těsně před příjezdem na Ukrajinu si přivodila na tréninku zranění a to středně těžký výron kotníku, takže o to to bylo pro ní složitější.
Školení skončilo pro Terezu úspěšně a stala se tak v současné době nejmladší držitelkou licence coach level two a II. trenérské třídy u nás. Její znalosti byly lektory a kolegymimo jiné i z řad reprezentačních trenérů hodnoceny velmi pochvalně což nás velmi ale velmi těší.
ROZHOVOR PRO Badminton Europe
Terezo, máš 21 let a jsi nejmladší učastnice zde na tomto kurzu, co tě motivovalo se účastnit?
„Co mě motivovalo? Hlavně to, že sama badminton hraji a často sama sebe trénuji nejen na turnajích, ale i na tréninzích. Velká motivace tedy byla v tom, rozvinout se jako trenérka, abych mohla pomoci sama sobě,
stejně jako ostatním, neboť trénuji i se skupinami mladých badmintonistů a nerada bych to dělala špatně. Když je trénuji, tak je chci trénovat správně a to je pro mě velká motivace.
Jsem mladá a zatím nemám velké zkušenosti s trenérstvím, takže opravdu cítím, že to potřebuji.“
Jsi z ČR, ale nyní žiješ v Dánsku, jaký je pocit zde trénovat?
„Je to trošičku jiné. Hráči v Dánsku mají jiný pohled na sport, tréninky. V Dánsku je samozřejmě větší konkurence i liga, a jsou zde hráči, kteří trénují, protože chtějí být lepší, přestože vědí, že se nikdy
nemohou dostat na Olympiádu, neboť konkurence je příliš vysoká.
Ale v Česku hráči vidí ty nejvyšší cíle, ale ve chvíli kdy vidí, že toho nemohou dosáhnout, tak skončí s badmintonem a najdou si jiné hobby, ale v Dánsku hráči pokračují, protože
to mají rádi, bezohledu na jejich věk.“
Takže jde vidět, že tady jsou rozdíly.. mimo to jsi student, hráč a trenér, jak to zvládáš všechno skloubit?
„Nejdůležitější pro mě je být hráčem, to je hlavní cíl. Letos začínám studovat vysokou školu, takže se do toho teprve dostávám a zatím to není tak hrozné, ale věřím, že to časem začne být komplikovanější.
A co se týče tohoto kurzu, jsme zde 10 dní, takže jsem chvíli mimo trénování, což beru to pozitivně, protože mi to hodně dává, a jsem ráda, že to vše dokážu zkombinovat.“
To je poměrně úchvatné a ohledně kurzu, co ses zde už zatím naučila? Co tě zaujalo?
„Nejvíce mě zaujaly drobné tipy, které nám dávají experti. Jsou to nepatrné detaily v určitých cvičeních, které jsem dříve neznala, což je pro mě dost inspirující a snažím se zachytit každé slovo a vnímat co je řečeno mezi řádky,
protože to je pro mě skutečně užitečné. Například dneska a včera jsme pracovali na taktikách v badmintonu a co se týče mě jako hráče, jsem s tímto lehce pozadu, jelikož to není lehké téma a myslím si, že to je velmi důležité.“
Co si chceš odnést z tohoto kurzu až skončíš?
„Všechno co mohu. Samozřejmě hraji už několik let a během té doby jsem se toho naučila dost. Tak jako říkají experti, jsme všichni hráči a máme to všechno v hlavě, jen to musíme dostat ven a lépe tomu porozumět. Pro mě je to hlavně o
zopakovaní věcí co už znám a také vzít si s sebou něco nového, malé detaily co mi mohou pomoci jako hráči, tak i jako trenérovi pro mládež.“
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Great success of the latest coach education course
Date: 11/18/2021 3:40 PM Published by : Sara Gonzalez Martinez (BEC)
The BWF/BEC Combined Coach Education Level 1+2 Course that finished just two days ago in Kyiv, Ukraine, has had a favourable outcome for everyone involved.
It was an intense nine days for the participants of the BWF/BEC Combined Level 1 and Level 2 Coach Education Course that took place in Kyiv, Ukraine, from 8-16 November. Their efforts and their willingness to learn have been fruitful, with all participants having passed the assessments brilliantly.
– The outcome could not have been better. It has been a satisfactory experience for everyone involved, from participants to experts. Everyone has shared good memories and invaluable knowledge that they can now take on their current and future careers.
An enjoyable learning experience
Hosted in the Ukrainian capital with the Ukrainian Badminton Federation as hosts, Badminton Europe invited active players and former players that have played at BEC International Challenge level or higher to take part in this course. BEC Development & High Performance Officer Mari Carmen Casermeiro is pleased with the participants’ satisfactory results.
– Participants were fully engaged throughout the course and took into consideration all the information that the experts provided them with, as well as each other’s useful tips. As a result, all nine of them performed splendidly in their assessments and have satisfactorily passed to acquire the BWF Coach Education Level 1 and 2 certificates.
The collective effort to further develop European badminton
COVID-19 is still part of our lives, and this means that we can continue enjoying badminton, but everyone needs to follow the safety protocols in place. This was, of course, the case in this course.
– As in all our previous courses and events organised during the COVID-19 pandemic, we followed all health protocols in place to ensure everyone’s safety with tests, masks, and distance when required. This guaranteed a secure delivery of the course, Casermeiro explained.
It has been a great year for badminton in Ukraine, and this is a great way of continuing with the task of improving badminton at all levels and spreading the word of our sport. What better way to do so than by inviting a group of former and active players from all over Europe, including Olympians, to contribute to the future of badminton through such an important part of the sport that is coaching.
– Our collaboration with Ukrainian Badminton Federation has also been a success, and we are very thankful to our hosts. They have been involved in the organisation of many other activities to develop badminton such as Shuttle Time, but this is the first course of this type that has been hosted there, and they have done a magnificent job. It is inspiring to see everyone doing their bit for the development of badminton in Europe, Casermeiro said.
How to not miss out
Upcoming courses are due to be announced soon, so if you are interested in attending a course, it is easy to take the next step:
All applications must be submitted by your National Federations, so reach out to your federation, if you are interested in attending.
Great start to a course for the present and future of European coaching
Date: 11/11/2021 9:33 AM Published by : Sara Gonzalez Martinez (BEC)
The nine former and current players participating in the BWF/BEC Combined 1+2 Course in Kyiv, Ukraine have already had four intense days of learning and exchanging ideas.
Participants are starting to delve into specifics at the BWF/BEC Combined 1+2 Course. Taking place from 8-16 November in Kyiv, Ukraine, the course is on its fourth day already and many topics have been covered so far.
Players have already got to share information and learn from the experts’ knowledge in the intense on-court and off-court sessions, as well as exchange ideas amongst each other, and BEC Development & High Performance Officer Mari Carmen Casermeiro highlights this aspect of the course.
– It is impressive, the amount of information and knowledge that is being exchanged not only from experts to participants‘ and vice versa, but also among the participants themselves. Their eagerness to learn is unstoppable, Casermeiro stated.
Learning and sharing
Experts Martijn van Dooremalen and Tom Causer are the ones delivering this BWF/BEC Combined 1+2 Course. Participants are a mixed group of active professional players and former players.
– Combining different perspectives about coaching with such an experienced group of professional players and former players definitely adds an extra value to the course, Casermeiro said.
On the first day of the course, experts presented the participants with some of the basics on what to coach, how to coach, and why coach. The participants got to learn the essentials and already shared experiences amongst each other. This is something that participant Indra Bagus Ade Chandra, coach and former player, thinks is an attractive part of the course.
– I was really interested in coming to this course because I would like to improve my coaching skills, learning from the experts and from the other participants as well, Ade Chandra said.
The next days have been spent covering topics such as the importance of feeding skills, the different performance factors, the Coach Model, singles and doubles tactics, and have started putting into practice different tasks to see the different progression of technic-tactical skills. Participants have also begun to officially deliver their own sessions.
Different ambitions and motivations
With nine different participants, their motivations to take part in the course are just as diverse as their backgrounds and experience. They are all, of course, moved by an interest in the professional career of coaching, with many having already taken on the role. Player Aram Mahmoud names his father as one of his coaching inspirations, but also considers his future career.
– I am now thinking more about my future. I am still playing, but if I have the chance to be a coach in the future, I will have this knowledge that I will get from these courses. It is very nice of Badminton Europe and Badminton Netherlands to give me this opportunity to be here and work with experienced people and experts that know a lot about badminton in a different way than I do. We can exchange information about badminton and how to coach, Mahmoud explained.
Tereza Švábíková, player from the Czech Republic, also pointed out some of her reasons to have come to Kyiv to take part in this learning experience.
– I am a player myself and I often end up coaching myself at tournaments, and often at trainings too, so a big motivation is to help myself as a coach so I can train myself. Also, I train some groups and I do not want to do it wrong; I want to do it correctly. This is a big motivation for me. I am young, so I feel like I needed, Švábíková said.
There are still plenty of things to learn for the participants in the remaining days, and soon they will be having the theoretical and
practical assessments.